Confessions of an Undercover Gringa


4 more down...24 left...teeth, that is!

Greetings out there! I realize it's been forever since my last and first entry.  Well -- here goes the update... I completed all of the paper work I mentioned in the entry before. Just yesterday I got my wisdom teeth extracted per PC dentist orders. It started off as a reccomendation, but ended up being a requirement. I've been procrastinating on getting my wisdom teeth out for a good 6 months now, so its good that that's finally behind me. My last day at work is the 15th  of this month (yaay!) so I had to get it done while my benefits are still in effect. I'll spend the rest of my weekend iced up and eating solid foods only after taking one of these kick ass pain pills! I'd like to send a shout-out to Dr. Owlsey and staff for getting those 3rd molars out and not killing me (literally or finacially). I got the hook up...laughing gas, local anesthesia, AND an IV drip...haha, overkill! These last 4 four teeth will make a total of 8 teeth I've had removed, so that only leaves me with 24 teeth to chomp candy with for the rest of my life. Drugged up and all I made sure to send my dental folder back to the sweet folks in the PC dental office so I can finally get cleared. Cutting it a tad close bc I'm supposed to be recieving my staging packet as early as next week, but hey...I like to live life on the edge. After I dont have to work everyday I'll have time to do fun stuff like shopping and packing for the next two years. So, now in the process of planning the rest of my summer trying to squeeze everything I wanna do in before I leave for staging on August 17th. I hope staging is somewhere I've never Cali. I'll find out soon enough, and keep ya posted. Until next time! 


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